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AAHSA is primarily composed of 7 national health supplement associations in the ASEAN region.

Members of these associations become part of the regional network, working together to compile information and develop positions on regulatory, technical and scientific issues which are submitted to national authorities and into the ASEAN harmonisation process.

Starting 2021, AAHSA has specially created a few bodies to govern and manage its activities. The core operation is headed by an Executive Committee, which is elected by members for a two-year term. 

Currently AAHSA has a Corporate Council which comprises of 7 companies who are all actively present in the ASEAN Health Supplements market. The AAHSA Corporate Council, led by an appointed Chair and Vice Chair, helps to support the key work necessary to facilitate the successful implementation of the Harmonised Health Supplements regulations in ASEAN.

The operation of AAHSA is carried out by a Secretariat which comprises an Executive Director, a Regulatory Director and a Manager. The AAHSA and its Secretariat has its office in Singapore. Members meet once a year at the Annual General Meeting and hold quarterly meetings. 

AAHSA is contituted according to the laws of Singapore.

For information on how to join AAHSA, please email to

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